You've Made a Difference

An Overview of Past Needs

Each year, the hospital provides the Foundation with a list of highest priority equipment needs. The provincial government does not provide funding for medical equipment purchases for Ontario hospitals, so the Foundation works with donors like you to help fill that funding gap.

We do our absolute best to keep our donors informed when new medical equipment is purchased, but we thought it would be better to have a dedicated section on our website to highlight past medical equipment purchases and so we can say thank you once again to everyone who supports the WDMH Foundation.


Thank you! These equipment purchases would not have been possible without the generosity and support of our donors! I hope you are as proud as we are of what we have accomplished – together! What a team!


Here are some examples of equipment that has been purchased for patient care at WDMH:


  • Echocardiogram Machine for Cardiac Care - $150,360.09
  • Three Anesthetic Machines for the Operating Room - $215,540.67
  • Two Bi-Pap Machines for Enhanced Care & Emergency - $56,590.66
  • Ophthalmology Microscope for the Operating Room - $94,731.21
  • Three Patient Beds for Complex Continuing Care - $34,724.12
  • Bladder Scan Machine for Complex Continuing Care - $5,603.95
  • Stretcher for the Morgue - $6,802.87
  • Procedure Chair for Emergency - $13,896.40
  • Two Patient Recliners for Chemotherapy - $4,715.98
  • Two Portable Workstations and Sound System for Chemotherapy - $10,351.31
  • Force FX Generator for Diagnostic Imaging - $7,081.35
  • Ultrasound Table for Diagnostic Imaging - $8,352.94
  • Glidescope for the Operating Room - $11,309.79
  • Giraffe Incubator for Obstetrics - $21,155.66
  • Two Cystoscopes for the Operating Room - $34,184.50
  • Gastroscope for the Operating Room - $38,102.75
  • Pediatric Colonoscope for the Operating Room - $38,522.57
  • PACs Upgrade for Diagnostic Imaging - $65,495.13
  • Automated Dispensing Cabinets - $552,967.24
  • Scope Cabinet for the Operating Room - $23,562.06
  • Glidescope for the Emergency Department - $11,309.79
  • Blanket Warming Cabinet for the Emergency Department  - $8,578.18 
  • Blanket Warming Cabinet for Obstetrics - $8,578.18
  • Billisoft LED System for Obstetrics - $5,563.38
  • Simulator Training Mannequin for Nursing and Technical Education - $20,126.83
  • Stretcher for the Operating Room - $4,280.40
  • Two Blood Pressure Monitors for Complex Continuing Care - $2,363.76 each
  • Two Colonscopes for the Operating Room - $41,607.76 each